Christopher Bucchere

Steve Markoff – welcome to bdg!

Written by Christopher Bucchere | Sep 16, 2005 7:34:00 AM

I am very pleased to announce that Steve Markoff, an outstanding software engineer with over 10 years of product development experience and a background in Plumtree and open source, has joined the bdg team.

Steve has already been working on a Java- and Plumtree-based product licensing application for one of our marquee customers, Wind River. He also led an effort at Boeing to develop reference documentation and performance testing plans for their Apache and Tomcat configurations.

Prior to joining bdg fulltime, Steve worked on mission-critical applications for Wells Fargo and built a distributed music encoding application for Netscape/AOL that handles millions of records and several terabytes of data. He also integrated web services and caching middleware using a Java and open source stack.

His first encounter with Plumtree was back in 2001 when he designed and built Plumtree’s bug tracking system from the ground up using SQL Server, JDBC, Java, XML, Tomcat and Plumtree. Given that his customer was the incredibly bright and demanding Plumtree engineering team, he had his work cut out for him and he did a stellar job. (I can speak from personal experience, because I used this system myself for several years.)

Prior to contracting at Plumtree, Steve built J2EE web applications on behalf of a startup company called Emerald Solutions that served customers in the gaming, outdoor adventure, and biotech industries. Prior to his startup experience, he spent almost five years working for IBM Global Services where he built client/server and web applications in Java.

Steve graduated cum laude from the CS Honors program at Hamilton College in 1995.

I speak for all of us at bdg when I say that I’m extremely excited to add Steve to our team. Please join me in welcoming him to bdg!