Christopher Bucchere

Charles Knight's Christmas List

Written by Christopher Bucchere | Nov 12, 2007 9:47:00 AM

feedhaus_public_alphaI've very pleased to announce that feedhaus was listed among the Top Five Web Applications that Charles Knight wants for Christmas. Actually, there are eight, but we're still pleased that we made the list.

Charles runs a site called Alt Search Engines, which is part of the Read/WriteWeb blog network. In my own words, it's a site that proves that there's life after Google.

In their words:

"The unique approach of AltSearchEngines is to expand coverage of search engines to include the hundreds of alternative / niche search engines. While the editorial attitude will not be “anti-Google”, it will certainly be “pro-alternative search engines” -- a showcase of cutting edge innovation. Our goal for AltSearchEngines is to make it the definitive destination for everything related to alternative search engines -- over 1,000 of them!

Our motto: “The most wonderful search engines you’ve never seen.”

AltSearchEngines is edited by Charles Knight, a respected industry analyst and former SEO from Charlottesville, Virginia."