Christopher Bucchere

Crowd Campaign, The Social Contest Builder

Written by Christopher Bucchere | Nov 16, 2009 5:00:00 AM

(I-Newswire) November 16, 2009 - FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

New York, New York – November 16th, 2009 – At Web 2.0 Expo today, Social Collective, Inc., the company behind the hosted social networking and scheduling software that powered SXSW and Oracle OpenWorld, announced the launch of their newest product, Crowd Campaign. Using Crowd Campaign, Twitter users can easily launch cost-effective branded online contests.

With the power of Twitter and the social web, people who enter these contests, vote on entries, or make comments help propagate their viral spread via easy-to-use sharing tools that facilitate posting contest updates to a multitude of different social networking sites.

When setting up a contest, Crowd Campaign offers the ability to customize the contest's subdomain, upload a logo and background image, write a Terms & Conditions page, set colors and styles, insert Google Analytics tracking code and change all of the contest rules and other marketing copy. Contest winners can be decided by popular vote or by an "expert panel" or some combination of both. Contests can include text entries, photo or video submissions and links to other content such as blog posts or web sites, meaning that Crowd Campaign contests can be used for any type of competition. Crowd Campaign also offers a rich set of entry management tools for removing offensive content, merging duplicate entries and tallying entries, votes and page views. Crowd Campaign offers a free version for contests containing no more than 10 entries and/or 100 votes. To increase these limits, contest managers can pay as little as $95 up to $4,995 for a one-year unlimited-use license.

Crowd Campaign is used by ad agencies, event managers, social media marketers, small business owners, popular authors, independent film makers and musicians – anyone who wants to leverage the power of the social web to build a brand. Any type of contest can be set up in 10-15 minutes, limited only by one's imagination and federal, state and local laws.

During the private beta period that ended with today's launch, hundreds of Crowd Campaign sites were created, including these prominent contests: — Ask Beth Noveck, Deputy CTO of the US Government a Question: Tim O'Reilly will pick from among the top questions and ask Noveck the best one during their Web 2.0 Expo Keynote later this week. The winner will also receive an autographed copy of Noveck's book, Wiki Government. — Search for the Best LinkedIn Profile: Mike O'Neil and Lori Ruff will feature the top five vote-getters in O'Neil's new book, Rock the World with Your Online Presence. — Ask Guy Kawasaki, Chris Brogan, Rick Calvert, Ann Hamilton and David Rich a Question — the panel moderator will ask the panel the top question at Expo! Expo! in Atlanta in early December. The winner will also receive an autographed copy of Kawasaki's book, Reality Check. — Enter a DC-area startup company and Frank Gruber and Eric Olson will give the top vote-getter a free Bronze Sponsorhip at the next TECH Cocktail DC event (a $999 value). — Suggest an idea for MarketingProfs' Digital Marketing Mixer: the winner of a random drawing will receive a free registration to MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2010 in Boston, MA (a $695 value).

Mike O'Neil, who launched a Crowd Campaign contest in support of his book, Rock the World with Your Online Presence, said:

"With just weeks from start to finish, we embarked on a partnership with the folks at Crowd Campaign to see how we could find and refine applications for [online contest] technology in social media."

O'Neil launched a very successful contest centered around finding top LinkedIn profile pages and featuring the winners in his book, which is "something that money can't buy." O'Neil remarked on how powerful it was for CrowdCampaign to "create a following around the pop culture image we represent with social media, networking and music."

About Crowd Campaign

Crowd Campaign is a social tool for building brands. It's used by ad agencies, event managers, social media marketers – anyone who wants to leverage the power of the social web to build a brand. Easy to customize and manage, you can launch a Twitter-powered contest including a branded promotional site in minutes from your desktop. It's FREE to get started and there's no sign up or credit card required. Start a contest today by visiting

For more information, contact Clinton Bonner at Social Collective, Inc.,, 860-608-9074