I am very pleased to announce that on Friday, 8 July 2005, bdg released the PHP EDK 5.1 to the Plumtree Code Share. Largely due to a Herculean effort on the part of Rich Weinhold, our resident PHP and Plumtree Guru, we were able to take the com.plumtree.remote.portlet.* package from zero to released in just three weeks.
We are offering this code up for redistribution and use under the BSD License, which is the standard for the Plumtree Code Share.
In order to access the code (for now), you'll need to create a login on portal.plumtree.com. We are currently considering other distribution methods, such as SourceForge, and we'll make an announcement should we choose to go down that path.
We look forward to seeing some PHP portlets start to emerge for the Plumtree platform. If you're interested in developing a PHP portlet for Plumtree, let us know -- we'd love to hear from you.