Jun 7, 2007 6:52:00 AM | milestones Chris Bucchere Quoted in BEA Research Brief

Chris Bucchere Quoted in BEA Research Brief

Off The Record Research, a subscription-based Wall Street publication, recently prepared a research brief on BEA that was released to their customers on May 9th. Although I can't post the entire article here (as it's for paying customers only), I will say that I was quoted twice in the research brief. Here's what I said:

[BEA's] AquaLogic is different from a lot of the products in this space. IBM [Corp.], Microsoft [Corp.] and SAP [AG] require you to buy the whole suite. BEA with AquaLogic is more agnostic. [The other vendors' products] break down [in a heterogeneous environment].

Later in the article, I mentioned BID's new development efforts, to which those in the know are know calling PEP (for Pages, Ensemble and Pathways):

[BEA AquaLogic's] Ensemble, Pages and Pathways are going to change the world. BEA is doing it again with Web 2.0, with community-centric software. We need to do this for the enterprise. They are cracking open a whole new market.

Written By: Christopher Bucchere