Christopher Bucchere

Chris Bucchere Speaking at the NovaRUG on June 18th, 2008

Written by Christopher Bucchere | Jun 17, 2008 6:10:00 AM

Calling all local Rubyists! I'm speaking about modular page design in Ruby on Rails at tomorrow night's NovaRUG. The title of my talk is "To Portal or Not to Portal: How to Build DRY, Truly Modular Mashups in Rails."

The meat of my talk is going to come from these two recent blog posts:

Modular Page Assembly in Rails (Part 1)
Modular Page Assembly in Rails (Part 2)

I'll be followed by Arild Shirazi of FGM giving a presentation entitled "CSS for Developers."

Get all the details here.

P.S.: Free pizza!