Jun 16, 2008 11:10:00 PM | how to Chris Bucchere Speaking at the NovaRUG on June 18th, 2008

Chris Bucchere Speaking at the NovaRUG on June 18th, 2008

Calling all local Rubyists! I'm speaking about modular page design in Ruby on Rails at tomorrow night's NovaRUG. The title of my talk is "To Portal or Not to Portal: How to Build DRY, Truly Modular Mashups in Rails."

The meat of my talk is going to come from these two recent blog posts:

Modular Page Assembly in Rails (Part 1)
Modular Page Assembly in Rails (Part 2)

I'll be followed by Arild Shirazi of FGM giving a presentation entitled "CSS for Developers."

Get all the details here.

P.S.: Free pizza!

Written By: Christopher Bucchere