Disclosure: I'm no politician and I'm no political scientist. (What little I know about politics I learned by running the tech stack for the Larry Lessig campaign.)
That being said, it seems like there's an obvious tactic that could be deployed to stop Trump from turning the Oval Office into a reality TV set and Idiocracy into a documentary. It's so obvious that I can't believe it hasn't been done already.
We simply need a moderate-leaning conservative with good name recognition (e.g. John McCain, Mit Romney, a younger version of Bob Dole -- or someone of that ilk) to ditch the ruinous GOP and run on an Independent ticket. This gives die-hard conservatives -- at least the sensible ones who can't see themselves voting for Trump and won't switch parties to vote for Clinton or Sanders -- a viable option that isn't a Democrat or a Fascist.
This will produce one of two outcomes. In the less likely scenario, we get record moderate-conservative and independent voter turnout (as a reaction to Trump) and the conservative Independent former-(R) candidate wins. In the more likely scenario, this 3rd party candidate splits the conservative vote, securing a win for Clinton or Sanders.
Either outcome is a win -- if for nothing else, then at least for common decency.
Either outcome will end the mockery Trump has made of American politics.
Either outcome also spells the end of the Republican party as we know it. Donald Trump, for all his faults, has given the world a great gift. He is the final nail in the coffin for the GOP as we know it today. Finally, the Republican Party -- ironically, the party of Lincoln -- will reap the seeds of homophobia, racism, xenophobia, religious hatred, bellicosity and belligerence they have sown for the past several decades.
But this only happens if Trump loses. Which is why we need a moderate conservative to step up, "take one for the team" and run as an Independent.
And by "team" I mean the one consisting of every sensible person on this planet.