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“We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” —MLK

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Why I’m an Activist

Activism & Politics Elections 2016

Mitch McConnell

Activism & Politics Elections 2016

The Economist saw it coming

I don’t know how anyone coulda seen this coming, omg, [clutches pearls] . . . wait!

If the Economist—not exactly a bastion of liberal thought—could see it coming, anyone could see it coming. Republican lawmakers, the assholes who actually read The Economist, saw it coming, BUT their political futures depended on supporting this malignantly narcissistic douchenozzel. Until now, with only a few days left of President Trainwreck, a few have broken ranks.

Those who did, those who are condemning him now? They’re not heroes. They’re pathetic cowards worrying about their political futures, jumping ship not when Trump gave blowies to Putin and Jong-Un, not when he put children in cages, not when he deployed the military on American soil to protect us from a “caravan” of immigrants that never arrived, etc. etc. etc.

Republican lawmakers could have stopped all of this, but they stood by and let this neo-fascist fucktard run away with our country.

All I can say is, VOTE. Like your life depends on it. We need some better politicians.

Activism & Politics Elections 2016

Then this happened

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This Gamestop saga reminds me of why we have gun control laws. White people marching in the streets with guns = a well regulated militia. Then the Black Panthers tried that and BOOM: instant gun control laws.

Similarly, hedge funds hire some of the smartest mathematicians in the world to find ways to steal, rape, and pillage billions of dollars, all within the bounds of the law. Then they get owned by a bunch of loser armchair finance bros on reddit, and BOOM, now everyone is calling for new laws and regulations to protect the money of the top tenth of one percent.

This also reminds me of the bank and RE bailouts in the early aughts. Just another example of how the establishment gets the benefits of socialism, while the ass-end of unregulated capitalism consumes the rest of us.

Activism & Politics Bikelash

The Miseducation of George Gascón

I’m not hiding the fact that George Gascón tried to ruin my life, it’s no secret, I wrote a book about it, and I ran political attack ads against him during the primaries. Of course I’m biased beyond belief, but that’s because I had a deeply personal experience with him. He’s literally all over the news every day and I guess I’m just not educated enough to keep my mouth shut. So here goes: this guy is rotten to the core.

With my apologies to the law-and-order cohort, it’s actually not his policies. In addition to lining up with all of the modern criminal justice research, Gascón’s “radical” platform doesn’t seem quite as crazy if you accept the premise that the criminal justice system is little more than the modern extension of slavery, which it unquestionably is. But he’s in a tough spot, because there are a lot of centrists from both parties who are having a hard time parting with their outdated notions that punishment deters crime. (It doesn’t.) In fact, nearly 30,000 of them have already gathered in a “Recall George Gascon” Facebook group, hell of a first week on the job, even by Gascón standards.

But like I said, he’s got the right message. He’s just not the right messenger. And what he lacks in experience, he doesn’t make up with character.

George Gascón shit-talking into a microphone. Good thing he didn’t bring any watermelon.

Why is he mouthing off into a microphone like that at all, and why about, of all things, education? He dropped out of high school, joined the service, then spent a lifetime as a cop—with a brief hiatus spent as a used car salesman. (I can’t make this shit up.) Later kiss ass con moved into “management” by snitching on his Rampart officers, eventually kanoodling his way up to LAPD’s assistant chief, then Mesa, AZ’s, where he basked in the spotlight of a very public pissing match with Sheriff Joe. A lifetime republican, he suddenly renounced the GOP and the death penalty (sort of) when appointed to SFPD’s Chief, and then, to everybody’s surprise, SF’s DA, where he earned the honor of never pressing charges in any of SF’s 24 officer-led shooting deaths, inspiring Colin Kapernack to take a knee and BLM to run him out of town. Weird that I’m still talking about the same guy, right?

Gascón climbed the political and institutional ladders not because of his intelligence, not because of his character, but because he knows how to cozy up to authority and how to put himself in the spotlight. In 2012, Gascón waxed poetic about his supposed arch-rival to Rolling Stone: “Arpaio knows how to move the needle when it comes to appealing to the base. What he did very artfully is piggy-back on this fear of illegal immigration that was becoming so prevalent in border states like Arizona. He was able to capitalize on that and he became the hero, the only guy who would single-handedly go after it.”

This is where the story gets personal, and rare. San Francisco had two bicycle/pedestrian accidents in the span of thirteen months. Both fatal, both times the cyclists lived and the pedestrians died. I was the second cyclist.

George Gascón, clearly seeing another opportunity for the spotlight, turned both cases, in particular mine, into proof of a reckless cycling epidemic, then he “artfully piggy-back[ed]” on this fear of cyclists by spinning a web of lies in the local media to ensure that I could never get a fair trial, and SPOILER ALERT: I never did. Gascón’s lies turned me into the city’s poster child for reckless cycling, and he was “the hero” who saved everyone from me.

So sure, he has no legal experience, that’s established: night school law degree from some unaccredited tier-four college, never tried a case for the prosecution or the defense, ever. He only has negative reviews from everyone in SF who’s ever worked with him.

But here’s the rub: when Gascón turned San Francisco against me, he ignited the ire of a small, vocal minority, a tiny slice of law-and-order supporters who get off on telling the internet that criminals just aren’t getting punished enough and they should get so, so much more. These were the people telling me I should be hanging by my testicles in Union Square. For a bicycle accident. These very same people, or at least their friends in LA, are the same folks tearing Gascón apart right now for being an authoritarian prick, for sounding like the dumb cop that he is and always will be.

Sadly, the law-and-order folk are throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Message good, messenger bad, right?

Cops are also notorious liars, and famously good at getting away with it. In this way, however, Gascón is not very gifted. He lies, sure, but bluntly, and he was always easy to catch, again and again. Abusing a position of power to lie to the media? That’s some pro politician shit, and George Gascón is warming the bench in the farm leagues.

We need criminal justice reform, and we need it desperately. But not from this guy.

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<rant>Maybe we don’t need to “get back to work.” Maybe our dysfunctional government needs to provide assistance to those people whose industries/careers have been put on hold due to COVID-19 instead.

In other words, the government can tell us to stay home, fine, but don’t expect us to comply unless we actually can pay our rent/mortgage, utilities, and feed our families. It’s not the staying home that’s the problem; it’s the dissonance that comes from not being able to make ends meet if you’re not allowed to leave the house. (I’m lucky that my job encourages me to work from home; otherwise I would be in this exact predicament.)

Now that the dissonance is channeling into rage, you have white people marching in the street with black people demanding that our government wake up and start taking care of its citizens.

That’s how we fix this: Not by going back to minimum wage slavery and taxation w/o representation but by marching in the street and sticking our middle fingers up at the system to demand things like a UBI, universal free health care, the elimination of the electoral college, publicly funded elections (w/o corporate influence), and the permanent removal from our government of the stain of all bad-faith actors like Mitch “We paid for ‘sin of slavery’ by electing Obama” McConnell, Los Angeles DA Jackie “I will shoot you!” Lacey, presumptive Dem nominee Joe “You ain’t black!” Biden, former San Francisco DA George “Afghanistan and Yemen terrorists could park a van in front of the Hall of Justice and blow it up” Gascón and Donald “Grab ’em by the pussy” Trump.

Note that I’m equally hard on establishment Democrats as I am on Republicans. It’s not the parties that need reform, or even the two-party system: It’s that the establishment let a few renegades take over and run away with what was once a semi-functional representative democracy.

And now a microscopic, half-dead, brainless organism is laying that bare for all to see.</rant>

Activism & Politics Bikelash Featured Posts

Lacey vs. Gascón: The Devil You Know vs. The Devil You Don’t

As of yesterday, in the race to pick Los Angeles’s next District Attorney, it became mathematically impossible for Jackie Lacey to avoid a runoff with George Gascón. That means they’ll face a runoff in November, if we have a November (but that’s another story).

First, a little history: In 2012, Gascón press released a series of false statements making me seem 100% guilty and turning my fatal bicycle accident into the “crime of the century.” This showed no respect for the accused or for the deceased. Instead, Gascón followed only his own political ambitions by sending a message to the already much-maligned cycling community—turning me into a felon in order to serve as his messenger.

His lack of respect for the law, his willingness to lie to the public repeatedly, and his other moral and ethical failings left me $100,000 in the hole, with a career and reputation in shambles and a felony on my record, all so that he could stand behind a podium and say “the rules of the road apply to everyone.” All to appease the raging bikelash he started because of the lies he spread in the media. And when Gascón’s own video evidence exonerated me in court—instead of letting the truth set me free—he dug in deeper and demanded a felony or a year in jail, strong-arming me into a settlement. I reluctantly accepted, in order to stop the anguish Gascón was causing the victim’s family through his 18 month shitshow and because I knew I could never win against a cheater who was determined to see me punished for a crime he invented—by peddling fake stories about it to the media.

Most defendants don’t speak up when they are falsely accused or convicted. Many can’t because they’re in jail and/or lack the resources to tell their stories. Gascón knows this, which is why he feels empowered to bend and break the law to serve his political ends, without concern for fairness, without concern for justice. I spoke out against Gascón’s malfeasance by publishing a book in 2018, Bikelash: How San Francisco created America’s first bicycle felon and by releasing all of the information about my case—including his exonerating surveillance video evidence—on a public forum.  Also, using my own time and money, I campaigned against Gascón, distributing fliers, running Facebook attack ads and making three trips from SF to LA to encourage voters to stop listening to his snake-charming words and start looking at his record. Although I was not paid or even encouraged by Rachel Rossi’s campaign, when asked, I suggested voting for her, a public defender with a similar reform-minded record—minus all of Gascón’s and Lacey’s baggage.

Rossi did better than I expected, but not well enough to earn a second place spot. And Lacey couldn’t earn 50% +1, so now LA is facing two bad choices: Lacey (the devil you know) and Gascón (the devil you don’t). 

Lacey, an establishment law-and-order Democrat, has sent 22 defendants to death row, all of them people of color. Since 2012, she has charged exactly one cop in over 400 LAPD officer-led shootings. She touted her support for substance abusers and the mentally ill, but only had 80 defendants complete mental health diversion programs—when over 3,000 were eligible. Meanwhile, she refused to prosecute Ed Buck, a prominent white Democratic donor, for two deaths (and one near-death overdose) of young black men he lured into his drug den and injected with meth. On the eve of the election, Lacey’s husband brandished a gun at Black Lives Matter protestors, yelling “I will shoot you.” In spite of all this, she has the nerve to call herself a moderate reformer, a message that fell flat on (slightly) more than half of LA voters

Gascón, a former cop and lifelong Republican who later became a darling of the Democratic Party, carpetbagged his way to LA in an attempt to escape scathing reviews by everyone who worked with him in San Francisco. He has hidden a record similar to Lacey’s under a cloak of progressivism, making him a dangerous District Attorney—and a persistent, unrelenting liar. In the 24 SFPD-led shootings in San Francisco while he was DA, Gascón charged zero cops, claiming in a recent presentation at USC that the “firing squad” who assassinated Mario Woods was just looking out for their “brother officers,” a bizarre reference he learned in the 1990s while a member of one of the most corrupt police forces in history, the LAPD. In another high-profile accidental death, he grossly overcharged Jose Inez Garcia-Zarate with first degree murder, which led to an acquittal. He also talked a big game about mental health treatment but did nothing beyond a series of recommendations. When asked to respond to a series of racist SFPD texts, he convened a “Blue Ribbon Panel” which again gave recommendations, but disciplined no one and again, did nothing. Meanwhile, the POA President gave a sworn deposition calling Gascón a racist since he himself referred to his former LAPD “brother officers” as “dumb black guys” and said that the drug trafficking problem in California was caused by “fucking Mexicans.” This fell right in line with other racist statements he made as SF’s Police Chief, calling Arab Americans terrorists and musing about how they might try “parking a van in front of [The Hall of Justice] and blowing it up.”

This November, if we have an election, Los Angeles will be faced with two bad choices for District Attorney. Although it pains me to ask people not to vote in this race, I would recommend abstaining from voting for either DA as way of sending a message of “no confidence” to both of these deplorable candidates.

If we make it to 2021, one of them will unfortunately become Los Angeles’s DA. And I’m already sorry about that. But please don’t say that I didn’t warn you or try to stop this. I did, and I tried, and it just wasn’t enough.

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